Harry Kane Makes a Comeback in the Golf Icon Series


The Sun said Kane will travel to the east coast of the United States during the sabbatical to compete in a golf tournament called the Icons Series, which features sports stars from around the world. Interestingly, less than 24 hours after helping Tottenham beat Villa 4-0, Harry Kane appeared in the American city of Augusta to help the golf Masters, and the entire flight distance exceeded 4,000 miles. (6437 km). Wow, looks like Harry Kane is enjoying and taking this golf game very seriously.

Kane arrived on the final match day of the Masters and was on Sky Sports. In the program, Kane said he was optimistic about the Australian player Cameron Smith winning the championship, and said that he was much more nervous here than on the football field. At the time, thousands of people gathered around the stadium to watch the game. He was doing well in this golf tournament, and while his swing got people talking online, it turned out well.
That Friday afternoon, Harry Kane started his stunning drive down the fairway in a singles game against NFL quarterback Ben Roethlisberger. Fans were quick to embrace Kane’s unique swing, not the game itself.

One fan commented on the clip, saying: “I’ve never seen a golf swing like this before in my entire life, but it’s Harry Kane so I love it,” while another wrote: “That takeaway is freaking my out.” A third commented: “That is the weirdest golf swing I’ve ever seen.”
Another keen golfer said the swing works for him, too. “I do the same, was struggling with a driver for months. I’m a decent golfer of scratch and really struggled so was searching for something, tried this one day as the range and it worked beautifully and added 15yds. Don’t ask me why it works but it does.”

In the 15th century, records of golf appeared in Scottish history books. Since then, golf has been played on well-drained, high-quality lawns. In a way, golf and football are a little bit connected. Because football is also a sport played on high-quality grass, but it has more intense confrontation and faster offensive and defensive transitions than golf.
It may be because of this commonality that many football players choose this gentle sport on grass when they choose a leisurely activity for themselves. So these football players picked up golf clubs and went to another green field to find their own fun. Among these players is Harry Kane. Many people think that Kane may become a professional golfer after retirement.

The British media often reported that Kane was playing golf on the golf course with his teammates or seniors of the national team. He also received “guidance” from England player Ian Poulter, known as the “son of the Ryder Cup” at the 2019 Scottish Open. Although Kane is very interested in golf and does play well, golf is more of a fun game, and Kane is far less accurate on the golf course than on the football field.
And in the past, Kane has refused to rule out a future in professional golf.
“I think that’s a long way away,” he said. “You never say never in anything. I’m off scratch at the moment. I’m way off what the pros are at, at the moment, I know that for sure.”
“I’m concentrating on football. Golf is a great hobby to have to get away from football – especially during the season as well. That’s what I use it for at the moment.”